Friday, April 6, 2012

F is for... Fancy Dress Party.

In Attendence: Katy Perry, Posh Spice & Lady Gaga (that's me!)

One of the most nerve-wrecking feelings one can have is on the way to a fancy dress party, wondering if it is actually a fancy dress event!


  1. All problems avoided if one never does fancy dresses at all! I'm trying to visit all the A-Z Challenge Blogs this month.

  2. Hi, Well, I have never made it to a fancy dress party...come to think of it, never been invited to one. Ha ha ha. Don't consider that I have really missed anything. :)
    I am trying to visit all blogs this month too. Best regards to you, Ruby

  3. NEver been to a fancy dress party--unless you count Halloween.:)
    Great A-Z post!

  4. Bet you had a lot of fun. Visiting on the A-Z challenge.

  5. Yeah - I'm not sure I've ever had to go through that, but it does sound nerve-racking. I too, hope you had a great time when you got there.

    Reminds me of a story about a joker who threw a party, and put 'fancy dress' (as in the Halloween dress-up costume type) on 1/3 of the invitations, 'black tie' on another 1/3, and 't-shirts and jeans casual' on the last third. :)

    And trying to fill out captchas can be pretty nerve-racking too!
