Friday, April 6, 2012

F is for... Fancy Dress Party.

In Attendence: Katy Perry, Posh Spice & Lady Gaga (that's me!)

One of the most nerve-wrecking feelings one can have is on the way to a fancy dress party, wondering if it is actually a fancy dress event!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

E is for...Exercising isn't pretty.

Unless you are one of those models in health magazines, people in exercise videos or someone who leaves the gym looking the same as when you arrived, you pretty much know that the act of exercising isn't very pretty.

Being of average height (okay, maybe the lower bound of average) and naturally having a figure that tends to show everything I have swallowed, I recently started making an effort to exercise. It was at the end of November last year when I cracked. I was not obese or heavily overweight but it was the fact that I was reduced to fitting into only 3 pairs of stretch jeans and wearing jackets in Spring because my t-shirts showed my budding muffin top that made me finally decide to do something.

I started buying health magazines, a beginner's yoga dvd and pulled off all the clothes and handbags that were hanging on the stationary bike that my dad had bought 20 years ago. The first few days felt like someone had strapped me into a straight jacket but I was determined. The well composed, sweat-free lady in the yoga dvd had told me, "Enjoy the feeling. It is your body telling you that it's working."

In the first few days, I sure did want to smash her face every time she said that while I did another squat or lunge but I tried, at the very least, to accept the "pain" every time I bent to touch my toes, hoping that one day it would be my friend. At the end of the 20 minute yoga session (first few weeks, I had only made it through the first 10), I was left huffing as if I was in search of my last breath, drenched in sweat and believed my bones had temporarily lost its rigidity.

Now, 4 months later, I still act and look as if I was put through a gauntlet every time I get off the exercise bike but the best part of it is that the range of "wearable" clothing in my wardrobe has now increased considerably!  I haven't dropped 10 dress sizes or anywhere near ready to write a book but the fact that I am back at a weight that makes me not feel conscious of the angle in which I need to sit to hide the roll that decided to make an appearance every time I sat, leaves me feeling much happier!

Lessons learnt:
  • The act of exercising to lose weight is definitely not very pretty (for both, the participant and their audience) but the results are worthwhile! 

  • Main ingredients required:
  1. Wanting to lose the weight because YOU want to.
  2. Willpower to get off the couch and onto the bike.
  3. Willingness to not see it as weight loss, rather as "energy gain".

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

D is for..... all those who dream big!

Captured at the GirlEng Weekend Camp 2011.

Everyday I hear people complaining about how sad their life is, how they wish they could achieve more, "if only they had the chance before" or most commonly, the "I'm just not lucky enough" line. Try then explaining to them what the reason could possibly be for this misery of theirs, and the first reply you'll get: "You think I don't know that?"

Yes, we all know the story that in order "to get it, you got to dream it" but dreaming isn't enough. It is just the first step. Believing in that dream and seeing it through to reality is where all the work lies and quite frankly, in this day and age there aren't many that actually make it to this stage. People know about dreaming but knowing doesn't necessarily mean understanding. 

Having recently read a blog post by Melissa McCreery entitled "Are You Dreaming Big Enough?", I thought it was only right to share it. Here's a snippet of what she had to say:

Here’s what I know: 
1. The bigger we allow ourselves to dream, the more we accomplish and the more we start to see what is possible. 
2. We don’t have to be any more amazing than we already are to do amazing things. 
3. We don’t have to know exactly how we are going to make our dream come true in order to start pursuing it. But we do need to HAVE the dream. We do need to have a clear intention that we’re going to do whatever-it-is and we do have to create space in our life for our dreams to emerge.
4. Big dreams usually don’t require immediate big steps. Small, steady, consistent steps tend to create the most solid and enduring results.

Go ahead, Dream Big! but don't forget to start taking those small steps right after.

To read more on Melissa McCreey's blog post, click here

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

C is for...Chaos

Recently I have been feeling rather lost; lost in a world where I see deadlines looming around me like  stars circling around one's head, scary faces creeping up closer and closer, undone work standing behind time saying "complete me",daily additions of new tasks stacked up on the pile of "to do" and somewhere in between my mother whispering in my ear "You should take a break". Total chaos! Who do I listen to? There seems to be no start nor end. Where is the order I crave?

Yes. That is how a day in the life of my mind goes.

One thing that I have started to understand though, is that we often think that chaos leads us nowhere but if we look deeper we are sure to find that piece of rope that is able to untangle the clump of wool. Having the opportunity to do a module in classic civilization this semester, I came across this abstract:
Before anything else existed, there was just something that had no particular shape and could not be described as it was empty; this was called Chaos. Then the mother-goddess Earth, whom the Greeks called Ge or Gaia, arose from Chaos and gave birth to Uranus, who became the sky-god and her husband. His rain fertilized the Earth and made things grow; therefore the world came into existence. Since the world was an orderly place compared with the primordial Chaos, the Greeks referred to it as kosmos, which means "order", "world", and "universe".
The moral of this myth is that order comes from chaos. What seems like a space of randomness is actually just an area that is waiting for someone to start picking out things and make sense of it. Chaos isn't necessarily a bad thing, after all...

I do prefer the beauty of chaos over ugly perfection.

Monday, April 2, 2012

B is for...Busy!

Image Source
Okay, so I missed the first day of the A-Z Challenge. Ah yes, the wonderful letter A. How could I have done that? Silly me. But could you blame a final year engineering student who is also trying very hard to calmly run a team of equally passionate, aspiring and feisty engineering students in empowering young females to choose engineering as a career?

My answer: No. I hope you think so too :)

I am definitely not one of those kinds that find pleasure in rattling their tails off to others about everything they did in their day (or the lack thereof). No, definitely not. But somehow I have found that the reason why a lot of us do it, is simply to make the other person feel like they are not as important as us. Why? Because they didn't have as many things to do! They weren't as needed. It may also be the case of wanting others' pity, for some.

I can't help it in saying that this is my first attempt at doing the A-Z challenge (now B-Z challenge for me) though, so yes, please do feel some pity for me and my bad attempts at juggling time correctly. I am not going with an over the top theme to get through this month as I just want to let the 26  25 feelings/emotions I experience, come through.

Anyway, back to designing bridges, bus terminals and solving water issues. After all...

A man has always to be busy with his thoughts if anything is to be accomplished.Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
or else...

Always gotta keep busy or the voices start telling me to do wild things.Steve Brown

(Warning: Self promotion - check out the organization I am apart of here)

C you tomorrow ;)