Monday, November 19, 2012

Vintage Humour - Someone Has To Set A Bad Example

Setting a bad example does not necessarily mean being bad. It  might just mean doing what you want instead of what others expect from you. It might mean being a bit more adventurous than the average bear. Or it might mean saying exactly what's on your mind.
- Anne Taintor

 I am a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge fan of vintage humour. Maybe it is due the quirkiness, the lovely sarcasm or simply the pictures but yes I do love it. I recently got a hold of this great collection of vintage humour by Anne Taintor and thought it would be only fitting to share some of my favourite.

Do enjoy!

More vintage humour here

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Lessons for Life #26 - Showing Compassion

I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

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More important than being loved, is to love.
- Dalai Lama 

“A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.” 
― Albert Einstein

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Saturday, October 27, 2012

Cover Of The Month

Finally, something exciting enough to get it me out of my slump in blogging. The moment I laid eyes on this cover I felt invigorated.

Well done Elle SA!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Awesome thing #1: Discovering something that is "friend-telling" worthy.

The feeling of discovering something awesome, gets us all.The inner smile that we get, the image of our brain expanding (whoa!), feeling like you want to skip through a field of lavender (or lilies if you prefer), the delight that shows on our face, the sudden urgency to pull the first person we know and proudly ask "Do you know...?" followed by our recent discovery.

The joys of discovery is one that we all enjoy. And yes, I sure have discovered something awesome! Do you know about The Book of Awesome?

While surfing through the waves of this thing called the Internet the other day, I came across this awesome site! Yes, awesome I tell you. Awesome. Awesome. Awesome.

Started by Neil Pasricha, 1000 Awesome Things makes note of everyday happenings and things that make us smile, feel like a kid again, make us want to say "Yeah! Take that sucker!" or think of ourselves as awesome beings! Pasricha's take on all things awesome is incredibly funny, nostalgic and makes me feel like he has just invaded my mind. Spot on, Pasricha!

Here's some of my favorite awesome things as listed by this awesome blogger/writer:

#995 Finding money you didn’t even know you lost.

#971 Real-bearded Santas.

#909 Bakery air.

#839 Really good candy with your bill at a restaurant.

#802 Watching something download really fast.

#674 When your laptop or cell phone is just about to die but you manage to run and plug it in before it completely shuts off.

#541 Junk drawers.

#386 Double spacing your essay so it takes up way more pages.

#329 Twisting the lid off the jar after nobody else could.

#215 When it’s sunny and raining at the same time.

#20 Me Time.

And, my favorite:

#5 Collapsing into bed when you’re completely, massively exhausted.
To see more of Pasricha's Top 1000, click here


Sunday, July 8, 2012

Happy New Sunday!

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Sunday is the day where I usually have the most amount of epiphanies, feelings of insightfulness, thoughts of how I'm going to be well-organised for the week ahead and moments of "I think I'm going to start that today." 

Just like at the start of every new year when we usually feel so motivated to make a huge difference in our lives for the year to come, I basically have this feeling going every Sunday in the hopes that the week to come will be even more life changing than the one that just passed me by.

Every year without fail, I hear a person ranting on about how making New Year Resolutions are so crappy - that if we want to start something, we shouldn't wait for 1 January. Yes. I do agree. It takes way too long to wait for 1 January but hey, the truth of the matter is that most of us prefer starting something new on a day that really does feel new. Call it paranoia, OCD or just superstition.

This feeling of wanting to accomplish world domination in a week usually lasts for the whole day and slowly diminishes as the week grows shorter and my work heap gets taller. 

Luckily, another Sunday always comes by!

Happy New Sunday! 

With Love,

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Mind my drawing...

One of my drawings in a notebook. It's really old but still a favorite.

Drawing gives my mind a sense of freedom that it craves - a stress relief of sorts; a journey into a place I am often scared to explore but when I do, even I am surprised. I find abstract images floating around, trying to find a matching piece - a puzzle I tell you. 

After all...

“Nothing is confused except the mind.” – Rene Magritte

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

It's Over!

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I know. I know. Exams aren't really over until you get your marks but the feeling of coming out of that exam room when you write your last paper sure feels great! (No matter how bad that paper kicked your ass). 

Now that exams are over, I get to sleep more, read more (stuff that I actually like) and blog more! Yay, for happy days :)

Sunday, June 3, 2012


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Someday, I would like to have a lazy Sunday afternoon.... Someday.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Exam Study Kit

The must haves this exam season:

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1. Preferably kept within an arm's reach.

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2. Stacks of post its. (Make sure you have a few spare for exam doodles)

3. Highlighters - Every book deserves a rainbow.

4. The more, the merrier. Late nights. Early morning. Every 10 minutes.
Give them names. You will be using them a lot.

And finally....

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5. Save. Print. Paste. Use only in extreme circumstances.

The Life and Times of Exams.

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Being that time of the year again when the pimples have a festival on my face, my eyes have sunk into their sockets while bags (not the shopping kind) make their appearance under them, my alarm goes off at odd hours and every break I have results in a trip to the fridge or sweet cupboard... Exam studying sure is a memorable period in ones' life yet that isn't even the half of it.

Stress is the very least of my issues; food shuts it up temporarily. My attempts at keeping my eyes open while staring at a book with a million words crammed into a page (I am a great exaggerator) makes me want to tear my hair out (God, save the little that's left)...Exam time, I tell you.

The first paper is always the one you see people walk into with a smile and out with a shake of their head. All I hear is them scurrying to find their buddies. "How was the exam?", "What was your answer for question", "Ah damn, I should have put that."...Exam fever sure brings out the inner nervous wreck.

Night and day, day and night, I sit pondering about what needs to be learnt. Facebook. Twitter. Email. I check constantly - anything to keep my distance from that thing we call a book.

And then finally the last paper arrives... in with a nervous frown, out with a smile!

'Til then though, the books shall be my closest companion...

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Keep moving. Keep trying. Keep growing.

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April has been nothing short of exhilarating for me. 

No. I haven't gone sky-diving, sat in a roller-coaster or fell madly in love. I only wish I actually had the time to sail the seven seas, scale the highest mountain and scream out to the world that I am alive rather April has been one of my most "work-filled" months for me.

Design projects, tests, assignments, advertising for GirlEng Information Session, organizing a venue, catering for scholars, brainstorming ideas on how to promote the "exciting and fun" world of engineering to female scholars while drowning in more tests and more design projects. How late mornings and early nights quickly turned into early mornings and late nights and eventually into not knowing whether it is morning or night, has made me into one strong Aditi. 

With having tons of work to go through this month, I feel like I have grown stronger and tougher than I ever thought possible. Getting through what you once thought was impossible is certainly a very sweet feeling. Have you ever experienced an adrenaline rush when trying to meet a deadline at work? How did it feel? I sure did have one too many this month. Handing in projects literally a minute before the deadline sure had my mind swirling. 

One thing I unfortunately didn't make it through is the A-Z Blogging Challenge. I have given it a good thought - I could either hide behind a paperback book and never blog again because the embarrassment of not succeeding might swallow me whole or I could simply just smile, type and try again...

Something that experience has thought me is that it is not whether you succeed the first time that is important rather it is the fact that you tried. Keep moving, keep trying and eventually you will get there. I look forward to the A-Z Challenge 2013. This year may not have been my year to see the challenge through but I am sure that there will always be another chance. To all those who have made it through, I applaud you for your willpower to sticking through till the end. 

At this moment in time, as I sit here thinking of how much more I still have to do in order to go where I want to in life,  I find it only appropriate to stretch my hand out, act like I am holding a delicate, crystal champagne glass and say cheers to life! Thanks for being such an adventure...

Friday, April 6, 2012

F is for... Fancy Dress Party.

In Attendence: Katy Perry, Posh Spice & Lady Gaga (that's me!)

One of the most nerve-wrecking feelings one can have is on the way to a fancy dress party, wondering if it is actually a fancy dress event!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

E is for...Exercising isn't pretty.

Unless you are one of those models in health magazines, people in exercise videos or someone who leaves the gym looking the same as when you arrived, you pretty much know that the act of exercising isn't very pretty.

Being of average height (okay, maybe the lower bound of average) and naturally having a figure that tends to show everything I have swallowed, I recently started making an effort to exercise. It was at the end of November last year when I cracked. I was not obese or heavily overweight but it was the fact that I was reduced to fitting into only 3 pairs of stretch jeans and wearing jackets in Spring because my t-shirts showed my budding muffin top that made me finally decide to do something.

I started buying health magazines, a beginner's yoga dvd and pulled off all the clothes and handbags that were hanging on the stationary bike that my dad had bought 20 years ago. The first few days felt like someone had strapped me into a straight jacket but I was determined. The well composed, sweat-free lady in the yoga dvd had told me, "Enjoy the feeling. It is your body telling you that it's working."

In the first few days, I sure did want to smash her face every time she said that while I did another squat or lunge but I tried, at the very least, to accept the "pain" every time I bent to touch my toes, hoping that one day it would be my friend. At the end of the 20 minute yoga session (first few weeks, I had only made it through the first 10), I was left huffing as if I was in search of my last breath, drenched in sweat and believed my bones had temporarily lost its rigidity.

Now, 4 months later, I still act and look as if I was put through a gauntlet every time I get off the exercise bike but the best part of it is that the range of "wearable" clothing in my wardrobe has now increased considerably!  I haven't dropped 10 dress sizes or anywhere near ready to write a book but the fact that I am back at a weight that makes me not feel conscious of the angle in which I need to sit to hide the roll that decided to make an appearance every time I sat, leaves me feeling much happier!

Lessons learnt:
  • The act of exercising to lose weight is definitely not very pretty (for both, the participant and their audience) but the results are worthwhile! 

  • Main ingredients required:
  1. Wanting to lose the weight because YOU want to.
  2. Willpower to get off the couch and onto the bike.
  3. Willingness to not see it as weight loss, rather as "energy gain".

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

D is for..... all those who dream big!

Captured at the GirlEng Weekend Camp 2011.

Everyday I hear people complaining about how sad their life is, how they wish they could achieve more, "if only they had the chance before" or most commonly, the "I'm just not lucky enough" line. Try then explaining to them what the reason could possibly be for this misery of theirs, and the first reply you'll get: "You think I don't know that?"

Yes, we all know the story that in order "to get it, you got to dream it" but dreaming isn't enough. It is just the first step. Believing in that dream and seeing it through to reality is where all the work lies and quite frankly, in this day and age there aren't many that actually make it to this stage. People know about dreaming but knowing doesn't necessarily mean understanding. 

Having recently read a blog post by Melissa McCreery entitled "Are You Dreaming Big Enough?", I thought it was only right to share it. Here's a snippet of what she had to say:

Here’s what I know: 
1. The bigger we allow ourselves to dream, the more we accomplish and the more we start to see what is possible. 
2. We don’t have to be any more amazing than we already are to do amazing things. 
3. We don’t have to know exactly how we are going to make our dream come true in order to start pursuing it. But we do need to HAVE the dream. We do need to have a clear intention that we’re going to do whatever-it-is and we do have to create space in our life for our dreams to emerge.
4. Big dreams usually don’t require immediate big steps. Small, steady, consistent steps tend to create the most solid and enduring results.

Go ahead, Dream Big! but don't forget to start taking those small steps right after.

To read more on Melissa McCreey's blog post, click here

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

C is for...Chaos

Recently I have been feeling rather lost; lost in a world where I see deadlines looming around me like  stars circling around one's head, scary faces creeping up closer and closer, undone work standing behind time saying "complete me",daily additions of new tasks stacked up on the pile of "to do" and somewhere in between my mother whispering in my ear "You should take a break". Total chaos! Who do I listen to? There seems to be no start nor end. Where is the order I crave?

Yes. That is how a day in the life of my mind goes.

One thing that I have started to understand though, is that we often think that chaos leads us nowhere but if we look deeper we are sure to find that piece of rope that is able to untangle the clump of wool. Having the opportunity to do a module in classic civilization this semester, I came across this abstract:
Before anything else existed, there was just something that had no particular shape and could not be described as it was empty; this was called Chaos. Then the mother-goddess Earth, whom the Greeks called Ge or Gaia, arose from Chaos and gave birth to Uranus, who became the sky-god and her husband. His rain fertilized the Earth and made things grow; therefore the world came into existence. Since the world was an orderly place compared with the primordial Chaos, the Greeks referred to it as kosmos, which means "order", "world", and "universe".
The moral of this myth is that order comes from chaos. What seems like a space of randomness is actually just an area that is waiting for someone to start picking out things and make sense of it. Chaos isn't necessarily a bad thing, after all...

I do prefer the beauty of chaos over ugly perfection.

Monday, April 2, 2012

B is for...Busy!

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Okay, so I missed the first day of the A-Z Challenge. Ah yes, the wonderful letter A. How could I have done that? Silly me. But could you blame a final year engineering student who is also trying very hard to calmly run a team of equally passionate, aspiring and feisty engineering students in empowering young females to choose engineering as a career?

My answer: No. I hope you think so too :)

I am definitely not one of those kinds that find pleasure in rattling their tails off to others about everything they did in their day (or the lack thereof). No, definitely not. But somehow I have found that the reason why a lot of us do it, is simply to make the other person feel like they are not as important as us. Why? Because they didn't have as many things to do! They weren't as needed. It may also be the case of wanting others' pity, for some.

I can't help it in saying that this is my first attempt at doing the A-Z challenge (now B-Z challenge for me) though, so yes, please do feel some pity for me and my bad attempts at juggling time correctly. I am not going with an over the top theme to get through this month as I just want to let the 26  25 feelings/emotions I experience, come through.

Anyway, back to designing bridges, bus terminals and solving water issues. After all...

A man has always to be busy with his thoughts if anything is to be accomplished.Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
or else...

Always gotta keep busy or the voices start telling me to do wild things.Steve Brown

(Warning: Self promotion - check out the organization I am apart of here)

C you tomorrow ;)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

There's no time like the present.

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"Time is an illusion" - Albert Einstein.
Our dear comrade, Albert could not have expressed this thought any better than I could have licked a bowl of fresh cream, clean. Everyday, every thought we have, move we make, decision we take seems to be going by quicker and quicker like a hungry man at a buffet.

"Where is the time?!" - I ask myself this question too frequently for my liking. There's so much I want to do, so many ideas and thoughts to share, to do lists to complete, deadlines to meet, goals to achieve and people to please yet time is the only thing that's getting in my way!

Recently, while caught up in the mayhem of my life, I got a chance to take a "Kit-Kat" break and go shopping (my fav!) for a birthday gift for a dear friend. Having managed to find an ultra cool hourglass was great but it was the message on the box that got me truly inspired. 

It went as follows:

"A person that dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life." "Being rich is having money; being wealthy is having time". "I am becoming more and more myself with time. I guess that's what grace is, the refinement of your soul through time". "You're writing the story of your life one moment at a time". "Opportunity knocks at the strangest times. Its not the time that matters, but how you answer the door". "When we are doing what we love, we don't care about time. For at that moment time does not exist and we are truly free". "A good time to keep your mouth shut is when you're in deep water". "Time spent laughing, is time spent with the Gods". "Time is the subtle thief of youth". "Lost time is never found again". "May you always live in interesting times". "Regret for wasted time, is more wasted time". "Whether it is the best of times or the worst of times, it is the only time we've got". "The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time". "Time is free, but it is priceless, you cannot own it, but you can use it". "Time is precious, but truth is more precious than time". "Time is what we want most, but use the worst". "Time has a wonderful way of weeding out the trivial". "The timeless in you is aware of life's timelessness; and know that yesterday is but today's memory and tomorrow is today's dream." "He who has done his best for his own time has lived for all time." "There's a time for everything." 

Yes, that is just a few definitions of time. Defining the meaning of love might just be simpler but alas, the one thing that I have realized is that the faster we run to beat time, the further back we go. Time waits for no man and no man should wait for time. Don't let time define your actions, let your actions define your time.

After all, time is just an illusion...

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Bring back the polaroid.

There's just something about it. The white border? The spontaneity that it captures? The instantaneous development?
Captured this in a restaurant a while back. Love!
I love polaroids! They always seem to make the moment it captured even more fun.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

The Month in Covers - March 2012

March is all about you! Career, personal life, getting fit, dealing with stress, becoming a superhero! but most importantly... it's about celebrating the person that you are.

I fondly remember, reading The Secret by Rhonda Byrne a while back when I just started figuring out that I need not only a plan for my future but directions to get there. Her book is based on the philosophy of "Ask. Believe. Receive." and its just as simple as that! Put out what you want to the Universe, believing that you truly deserve it and eventually after much persuasion (just like how we did it when we wanted something from our parents when we were little), you shall receive it. Be warned: It may not be all at once or overnight but eventually if you work hard enough to let the Universe know how much you desire it, it will come to you. I'm not not talking materialistic stuff only: start believing that you're destined for something better if you are down and out now. Believe that you can get over a fear if you are feeling scared. Believe that you can do it when someone says you can't. Just believe.  

According to Rhonda's next book, The Power, "The life of your dreams has always been closer to you than you realized, because The Power - to have everything good in life - is inside you."

Thus, if you haven't had the courage or just too shy or scared, use this month to start something new. Be bold. Be bright. Be beautiful. Be the person inside... 

 Here's some of the headlines that can help you this month:


"Your Stress Crisis Solved! Shake off anxiety and live happy." - GLAMOUR

THE NAKED ISSUE - marie claire (Need I say any more?)

"Write Your Own Story and Claim the Life You're Meant to Live - Today." - O Magazine

"5 Instant Energy Boosters" - Women's Health SA

"Are You Your Job? Time to Get a Life." - SHAPE

"Hey Superhero! The Power to Change the World and Your Future is YOURS!" - COSMOPOLITAN

"How to Exercise for Success" - ELLE

and finally... If you haven't noticed by now I added the cover of Men's Health SA this month simply for the eye candy (Francois Hougaard). We all deserve to be spoilt sometimes ;) 

Happy reading!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Have a slice of art...

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 I am no expert when it comes to analyzing art but the one thing I have learnt over the years is that one doesn't need to be an expert to appreciate something great. As the famous author and poet, Thomas Merton once said, "Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time". He couldn't have expressed the feeling of being consumed by something inanimate yet so full of life, any better.  

Recently, one such artist that has definitely grabbed my attention is Francoise Nielly. Her larger than life portraits produced with just knives and oil paints, captures the spirit of life with its bold, bright, vibrant colors. Illuminating and energizing the admirer, her paintings have inevitably been etched into my mind and list of favorite things!