Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Awesome thing #1: Discovering something that is "friend-telling" worthy.

The feeling of discovering something awesome, gets us all.The inner smile that we get, the image of our brain expanding (whoa!), feeling like you want to skip through a field of lavender (or lilies if you prefer), the delight that shows on our face, the sudden urgency to pull the first person we know and proudly ask "Do you know...?" followed by our recent discovery.

The joys of discovery is one that we all enjoy. And yes, I sure have discovered something awesome! Do you know about The Book of Awesome?

While surfing through the waves of this thing called the Internet the other day, I came across this awesome site! Yes, awesome I tell you. Awesome. Awesome. Awesome.

Started by Neil Pasricha, 1000 Awesome Things makes note of everyday happenings and things that make us smile, feel like a kid again, make us want to say "Yeah! Take that sucker!" or think of ourselves as awesome beings! Pasricha's take on all things awesome is incredibly funny, nostalgic and makes me feel like he has just invaded my mind. Spot on, Pasricha!

Here's some of my favorite awesome things as listed by this awesome blogger/writer:

#995 Finding money you didn’t even know you lost.

#971 Real-bearded Santas.

#909 Bakery air.

#839 Really good candy with your bill at a restaurant.

#802 Watching something download really fast.

#674 When your laptop or cell phone is just about to die but you manage to run and plug it in before it completely shuts off.

#541 Junk drawers.

#386 Double spacing your essay so it takes up way more pages.

#329 Twisting the lid off the jar after nobody else could.

#215 When it’s sunny and raining at the same time.

#20 Me Time.

And, my favorite:

#5 Collapsing into bed when you’re completely, massively exhausted.
To see more of Pasricha's Top 1000, click here


Sunday, July 8, 2012

Happy New Sunday!

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Sunday is the day where I usually have the most amount of epiphanies, feelings of insightfulness, thoughts of how I'm going to be well-organised for the week ahead and moments of "I think I'm going to start that today." 

Just like at the start of every new year when we usually feel so motivated to make a huge difference in our lives for the year to come, I basically have this feeling going every Sunday in the hopes that the week to come will be even more life changing than the one that just passed me by.

Every year without fail, I hear a person ranting on about how making New Year Resolutions are so crappy - that if we want to start something, we shouldn't wait for 1 January. Yes. I do agree. It takes way too long to wait for 1 January but hey, the truth of the matter is that most of us prefer starting something new on a day that really does feel new. Call it paranoia, OCD or just superstition.

This feeling of wanting to accomplish world domination in a week usually lasts for the whole day and slowly diminishes as the week grows shorter and my work heap gets taller. 

Luckily, another Sunday always comes by!

Happy New Sunday! 

With Love,