Deciding to start a blog is probably one of my longest decisions yet; years of trying to answer that annoying, mind-numbing question: should I or shouldn't I? I had a million ideas of what I would like the world to know, how I would like to express my thoughts, influence people or simply just have my say.
Now that I do have my own blog, I must admit, trying to write a blog post isn't as easy as I thought it would be. The first thing I soon realized was, 'Do I want to write for a specific target audience (advice given on the world wide web in order to have a successful blog) or should I openly just write about what makes me happy?' (NB. My thoughts are usually very random).
I am sure everyone, from the richest man (or woman) in the world to the child that is lying in a refugee camp in some war stricken country, has a desire to accomplish something in their life before they "kick the bucket".
My bucket list is no where near finished and at times seems a little idealistic but I hope that my journey of emptying the bucket inspires you.
After all...
"Everyone who got where he is has had to begin where he was" - Robert Louis Stevenson