Saturday, November 26, 2011

Time to get started...

Deciding to start a blog is probably one of my longest decisions yet; years of trying to answer that annoying, mind-numbing question: should I or shouldn't I? I had a million ideas of what I would like the world to know, how I would like to express my thoughts, influence people or simply just have my say.

Now that I do have my own blog, I must admit, trying to write a blog post isn't as easy as I thought it would be. The first thing I soon realized was, 'Do I want to write for a specific target audience (advice given on the world wide web in order to have a successful blog) or should I openly just write about what makes me happy?' (NB. My thoughts are usually very random).

Brainstorming about what I actually want to put out to the world, I finally found it! I want to share my bucket list adventures with you.

I am sure everyone, from the richest man (or woman) in the world to the child that is lying in a refugee camp in some war stricken country, has a desire to accomplish something in their life before they "kick the bucket". 

My bucket list is no where near finished and at times seems a little idealistic but I hope that my journey of emptying the bucket inspires you.

After all...

"Everyone who got where he is has had to begin where he was" - Robert Louis Stevenson

Sunday, November 20, 2011

To many more blog posts..

Realising that 140 characters on Twitter is just not enough for me and wanting to do this for ages, I finally have my first blog! Being inspired by everyday phenomenons, I have lots on my mind. From discovering new stuff to being inspired by the everyday (wo)man, my blog shall be the outlet that this crazy mind has been wishing for. Here's to many more blog posts, in good times, great journeys and the best inspirations...